Engineering and Construction in Colorado

Lambert and Associates has provided geotechnical engineering consulting and construction material testing services in the Western United States, primarily western Colorado, since July 1983.
We provide material testing services for soil, concrete, aggregate and asphalt during the design and construction phases of projects.
Our Projects
Our projects are located in all types of geographical environments. These include large and small projects for the public and private sectors.
We have six continuous flight auger drill rigs capable of drilling small diameter test borings and standard penetration test sampling. Our drill rigs include two CME 55 drill rigs mounted on a 4wd truck, a CME 45 mounted on a Bombardier tracked carrier, and a small thirteen horsepower trailer-mounted drill rig.

Material Testing Capabilities / Equpiment
Our laboratory testing capabilities include testing equipment for Triaxial Compression Soil Strength and fifteen (15) pressure cells, which are also used for High Pressure Flexible Membrane Permeability tests. We have a six (6) station falling head permeability option. We have three (3) Direct Shear Soil Strength machines and an Unconfined Compression machine for Soil Strength tests. We have Asphalt Marshal test equipment and four (4) Concrete Compression Strength testing machines. Other equipment includes twenty-one (21) consolidation frames, which are used to measure Soil Sample Settlement, Swell Pressure and Expansion Potential. We have equipment to perform Los Angeles Abrasion tests of aggregate samples, California Bearing Ratio tests and Soil Classification tests (e.g. Atterberg Limits & Gradation, Hydrometer & Sieve Analysis and Sand Equivalent tests).
Our laboratory capacities include an Asphalt Binder Ignition oven, Asphalt Vacuum Extraction Machine and an Asphalt Centrifuge. Each is used to determine the asphalt content of an asphalt concrete mix.
Our field technician equipment includes six (6) Campbell Pacific Nuclear Soil Moisture Content/Density Gauges and additional equipment for soil, concrete and asphalt material testing. We have Sand Cone Density equipment for soil testing. Additionally, the technician's trucks are equipped with concrete testing materials/equipment. We have three (3) small/portable coring rigs to obtain core samples from asphalt and concrete flatwork and walls if needed.